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which accent do u prefer 2024.

which accent do u prefer

hi guys

Which accent do you prefer the american accent or the british accent. Do you rather listening Bush talking or Blair? For my part, I always want to throw out when I listen Bush talking!!!

personally i understand the american accent better than the british one even if i find that the american one is too heavy, isn’t it? and the british sounds a bit snobish , no! but beautiful
well as far as am concerned

i studied the english literature
but the funny thig is

i studied it with the american accent

because i guess that the american accent is more smooth than the british one

tha’s why i prefer the america over the british

thx dear for the topic

u’re welcome my dear and thx for ur reply
i prefer the american accent

because it’s easier and it has more easy abbreviations than the british one

but the british accent is clearer than american one

both of them have specialty

thx cyrene for this topic

u’re welcome dear beautiful girl
thx for passing
I prefer the american accent bcz its more beautiful than british one
u remember me of something nice
we had an american teacher in our university and he teached me listening and speaking course
one day he asked us the same Q and all of the class said the american one
but Im the only one who said british bcz its clearer
and he seemed to be unsatisfied by my answer bcz he is an american one

thanx Cyrene 4 this topic

u’re welcome dear asma

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