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To all My friends From A to Z 2024.

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To all My friends From A to Z

Friends From A To Z

To my lovely friends…..

A…Accepts You As You Are

B…Believes In ‘You’

C…Call You Just To Say ‘HI’

D…Doesn’t Give Up In You

E…Envisions The Whole Of You even the unfinished parts

F…Forgives Your Mistakes

G…Gives Unconditionally

H…Helps You

I…Invites You Over

J…Just ‘Be’ With You

K…Keep You Close At Heart

L…Love You For Who You Are

M…Makes A Difference In Your Life

N…Never Judges

O…Offers Support

P…Proud To Be Yours

Q…Quiets Your Fears

R…Raises Your Spirits

S…Says Nice Things About You

T…Tell You The Truth When You Need To Hear It

U…Understands You

V…Values You

W…Walks ***ide You

X…X-plain Things You Don’t Understand

Y…Yells When You Won’t Listend..and..

Z …Zaps You Back To Reality.


thank u so much dear

crystal for that
really nice topic

take care

thanks you my sister rimas you very nice welcome

take care

wooooow i liked it a lot thx my dear

and my letters are, i and m cause i’ve two names!!

thx again dear cristal

welcome walah cyréne and thx so much
very nice topic
i really like it
thanx Crystal
take care
thanks my dear aseme welcome
thank you for the nice words

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