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talking about friends 2024.

talking about friends

Having lifelong friends is a great conversational topic. Many questions are related towards how long they have been friends.

Here are some questions you can ask when talking about friends.
"How long have you guys been friends?"
منذ متي وانتم اصدقاء يارجال؟

"How long have you known each other?"
منذ متي وانتم تعرفون بعض؟

"Did you grow up together?"
هل تربيتم سويا؟

Here are some example you can use to respond to these types of questions.

"We’ve been friends since elementary school."
نحن أصدقاء منذ المدرسة الابتدائي.

"I think it’s been like 20 years."
اعتقد تقريبا من 20 سنة

"We grew up together. Our parents lived pretty close so we were basically neighbors."
لقد تربينا سويا. والدينا يسكنون جنب بعضهم لذلك نحن في الاساس جيران.

"We went to the same school since the 5th grade."
نحن نذهب الي نفس المدرسة منذ المرحلة الخامسة

ولا تقل شكرا انما ادعوا لي بالمغفرة لي ولوالدي وبحسن الخاتمة وبجنات الفردوس


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