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الرئيسية » secret love

secret love 2024.

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secret love

Every time I see you
I wish that you knew.
I wish I didn’t have to hide
These feelings I have for you.
Every time we talk
New feelings emerge.
I wish I didn’t have to pretend
That I’m OK with just being friends.
Every time we’re together
I think how we should be with each other.
I wish that I could show you
The way i truly feel.
But no matter what happens
Or where we end up.
You will always be
My one and only secret love


what a wonderful words
really it z very beautiful
go on my dear
thx a lot for your lovely passing

wonderful words u have up there

really nice

thx dear for pastin them

thx again

u’re the the most welcome dear neighbour jannaat

thx alot cyrene for these sweet words


u’re welcome beautiful girl


.. thanks dear for these wenderful word

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