1 Against means touching something or somebody for support.
Pattern 1: verb + against + noun
The man was leaning against his car.
Typical verbs used before against:
hang, lean, lie, rest, sleep
Pattern 2: verb + noun + against + noun
They held the mirror against the wall.
Typical verbs used before against:
butt, hold, keep, lay, lean, place, pull, put, rest, set
2 Against means touching forcibly.
Pattern: noun + verb + against + noun
The rain beat against the window.
Verbs often used before against:
bang, beat, crash, crush, heave, hit, knock, push, splash, throw, thrust
3 Against means in opposition to.
Pattern: noun + verb + against + noun
The mayor was against the idea of a new day-care center.
Stealing is against the law.
Our senator voted against that bill.
Typical verbs used before against:
act, argue, campaign, debate, fight, go, move, play, vote, work
Nouns often used after against:
action, bill, concept, enemy, force, idea, law, nomination, orders, plan, precepts, principles, proposal, regulations, religion, rules, suggestion, teachings, team, wishes
4 Against can mean toward a force in the opposite direction.
Pattern: verb + against + the + noun
Sailing was rough yesterday; we sailed against the wind all day.
Typical verbs used before against:
drive, fight, go, move, run, sail, struggle, swim, walk
Nouns often used after against:
current, flow, force, tide, wind
against traffic—
I drive against traffic because I live in the city and I work in the suburbs.
5 Against can mean to the disadvantage of.
Pattern: noun + be + against + noun
You may not get that job because your age is against you.