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الرئيسية » Choose the correct form to complete each present of future factual -انجليزي

Choose the correct form to complete each present of future factual -انجليزي 2024.

Choose the correct form to complete each present of future factual

Choose the correct form to complete each present of future factual

conditional sentence.
أنا جربت أحل و اللي كتبته بعد كل جملة

1.If they——(like/will like)the musical they——(see/will see)it

again tomorrow.

like*will see

2.If Fernando——(watched/watches)comedies he——(laughed/laughes)

a lot.

3.If you——(buy/will buy)some ice cream I——(help/will help)you

eat it.

buy*will help

4.If I——(wont/dont)fall asleep I usually——(get/got)a lot of

work done.

5.——(will you travel/do you travel)to England If your boss——

(needs/will need)you there next month?

6.Always——(wear/wore)your seat belt if you——(want/will want)

to be safe.


7.I——(didnt got/wont got)a tattoo if my parents——(tell/told)

me not to.

wont get*want

8.If I——(ask/will ask)my mother for permission she——(say/will say)no

ask*will say

9.If I——(travel/will travel)far I always——(fly/flew)

will travel*fly

watches/ laughes

don’t/ get

will/ needs

wear/ want

i won’t get/ told

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