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الرئيسية » الحرم الابراهيمي تعلم انجليزية

الحرم الابراهيمي تعلم انجليزية 2024.

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الحرم الابراهيمي

Ibrahimi Mosque, or the Ibrahimi Mosque, which is when the Jews on behalf of the Cave of the Patriarchs or the cave of Machpelah (Hebrew: מערת המכפלה), is the oldest building sacred user even today virtually uninterrupted, the fourth holy places for Muslims, and the second holy places for Jews after the Temple Mount . Sacredness was being built above the buried cave where all of the prophet Abraham and his wife Sarah, and their two sons and his son Isaac, Jacob and their wives Rebecca and Leah, and there are some novels remember that Joseph and Adam and Sam and Noah are buried there as well
Located in the old town of Hebron, south of the West Bank in Palestine, which is similar in construction-Aqsa Mosque, [2] and surrounded the mosque Great Wall built of large stones up the length of each is 7 meters, due Osasth the reign of Herod the Edomite in his reign of the city (37 BC – 7 BC). [3] Then the Romans built a church in its place, then demolished after less than 100 years at the hands of the Persians, then turns into a mosque in the early Islamic period. With the occupation of the Crusaders for the region, built the place Mosque Cathedral Church, it soon again to a mosque after the liberation of Saladin of Palestine turned in 1187. Today the mosque is located under Israeli occupation, and because of the religious significance of the mosque when both Muslims and Jews, it is the center of the ongoing conflict between Palestinians and Jews in Hebron, and thus was divided into a mosque for Muslims and the synagogue of the Jews, and was placed under tight security.
Muslims called the Ibrahimi Mosque, relative to the Prophet Abraham, nicknamed "the friend of God", he was buried, according to historical accounts, and is renowned in the media on behalf of the Ibrahimi Mosque, some Muslims refuse to call it Haram, claiming that the campus is «what God has forbidden hunting and poem », and it has not been proven in the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad that this mosque is a sanctuary unlike the Grand Mosque and the Prophet’s Mosque.
But when the Jews came termed the cave of Machpelah (Hebrew: מערת המכפלה) (English: Cave of Machpelah) He is mentioned in the Torah to the cave on which the mosque and bought by the Prophet Abraham, "Ephron the Hittite," to be buried where his wife Sarah after her death, the name, and "Machpelah" word Semitic means "double" to indicate that the cave was made up of Khvin.kma-called Cave of the Patriarchs (in English: Cave of the Patriarchs) the fact that the cave included the burial of the prophets Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their wives Sarah and Rebekah and Leah, and these prophets are considered Patriarchs Old Testament in the Jewish religion.
Ibrahimi Mosque massacr
• in February 1994 there are big massacre, were carried out by Baruch gold chitin witch entered al eshaqia time for Al lfajer prayer , and shooting all people who prayer.
• 29 died and 100 who winded
Chapel Gaolah
Attributed to Prince Alameddine Singer Gaola headmaster of the Two Holy Mosques, whichwas commissioned from his own money in 1312 and was completed in 1320 during the reign of the Mamluk Sultan al-Nasir Muhammad, which is located on the eastern side outside Heer, nor can watch the walls from the outside, Fjdarh Western is the same as the eastern wall of the baffled, and the eastern wall of a lump in the rock and can not be seen from the outside. The same applies for the northern walls and Aljnobi.oaattabr this chapel of the wonders where the cut in the mountain, and said that he was Jewish cemetery on this mountain by piece Gaola and stomach and built the roof by the dome, and consists of the mosque of the three corridors of arched vaults on 12 large stone pillar. In the center of the mosque, graceful stone dome, where a series of windows. It is located in the Qiblah niche carved into the mountain covered with colored marble and semi-dome structure provided ornate marble colored also. The mosque rises in the form of a bench for the corridor leading to the Ibrahimi Mosque, because it cut into the rock, especially from the eastern side. And raise the northern part of the mosque, a little bit about the floor of the mosque, in order to separate the women from the rest of the mosque
and a prayar area woman..
Chapel Alashakih
It is also called "Hall Alashakih", which is the main chapel at the mosque, located in the southern half of the mosque, which is a length of 21.5 m and a width 29 m, and consists of three galleries, the middle one the highest and largest, up 15.8 m and Ootool 21.5 m and a width of 13.4 m, and the western corridor height 9.83 m and length of 21.5 m and a width of 4.5 m, and the eastern corridor, up 10.03 m and length of 21.5 m and a width of 7.5 m, and the arcades decades on four huge pillars. This layout church originally filed by the Crusaders after the destruction of the mosque in 1099 and recovered when Saladin city of Hebron in 1187, around the church building into a mosque there has been no fundamental change. And the Chapel of three doors on the north side overlooking the other chapels, including door that leads to the door located in the northeast in Heer which leads to the corridor connects chapel Gaolah and Mosul to the entrances of the mosque north and south, and another door in the middle of the north wall of the chapel leads to the Abrahamic Chapel, and the door Last beside it leads to the chapel Maalikis
Laurel Sharif Almacfhila
Earlier statement that the Ibrahimi Mosque built in the foundation over the "Cave of Machpelah" and buried where all of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their wives. For the cave (or laurel)
in Ibrahim mosque there is very beautiful Platform, it made of 3000 pieces of wood without using any nail.
in Abraham mosque there is 7 tombs .
Mr. Ibrahim and his wife Sara &Mr.Eshaq and his wife Refqa & Mr.Jakop and his wife Laiqa
And Mr. Josef
in Ibrahim mosque there is very beautiful Platform, it made of 3000 pieces of wood without using any nail
In Ibrahim mosque there are 3 entrances
after the massacre was closed 2 entrances.
• After this big events, the Israeli occupation divided the mosque for 2 parts :
1.Part of the Muslim 2.Part of the Jews

موضوع جميل جدا عن الحرم الابراهيمي الذي يقع في البلدة القديمة من مدينة الخليل ، جنوب الضفة الغربية في فلسطين
جوزيتي خيراا عزيتي
و ننتظر جديدك الرائع دمت بالف خير
Thank you very much
thank you darling

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