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الرئيسية » بنات ارجوكن عندي اسأله تخص مشروع التخرج مالي وانا محتاجه احد يصححهن ساعدوني

بنات ارجوكن عندي اسأله تخص مشروع التخرج مالي وانا محتاجه احد يصححهن ساعدوني 2024.

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بنات ارجوكن عندي اسأله تخص مشروع التخرج مالي وانا محتاجه احد يصححهن ساعدوني

هاذي الاساله اريد احد يشوف الاملا ضروري تساعدوني

1) How did you know about the restaurant?
a) Friends
b) Family
c) Newspapers/Magazines
d) Others

2) What is your opinion about the place of the restaurant?
a) Essay to access b) Difficult to access

3) How do you see the food service in the restaurant?
a) Poor
b) Average
c) Good
d) Excellent

4) What are you thick about the prices of various food items?
a) Cheap
b) Fairly priced
c) Expensive
5) How do you describe the variety of food offered?
a) Poor
b) Average
c) Good
d) Excellent

6) How many times did you come to the restaurant?
a) 1-5
b) 5-10
c) 10-20
d) Above 20

7) How do you like to come to the restaurant?
a) Alone
b) With a friend
c) With a family
d) Others

8) Have you face any problem with the staff?
a) Yes b) No

9) Do you like to come again?
a) Yes b) No

10) If you get a chance to change something in the restaurant what it well be?
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………

) Is it the first time you work in a restaurant?
a) Yes
b) No

2) What are the reasons that make you work in TGI Friday’s restaurant?
a) The salary
b) A hobby
c) Just a job
d) Other reasons

3) In your opinion the dealing with the customers is?
a) Essay
b) Difficult
c) Normal

4) How do you think about the management of the restaurant?
a) Poor
b) Average
c) Good
d) Excellent

5) In case you face any problem with the customer you?
a) Deal with it your self
b) Tale the supervisor
c) Live the customers and don’t care about

6) Did the management make you do training before start working in the restaurant?
a) Yes b) No

7) Is it necessary to know more than one language to have a job in TGI Fridays?
a) Yes b) No

8) Are you happy with your job? (Chose from 1 to 5 – 1 is poor and 5 is excellent)
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) 5

9) If you get a chance to move to another job do you well move?
a) Yes b) No

ارجوكن بنات اريد حد يراجع الاسأله و اذا كان في شي غلط خبروني عشان اسلمه وشكرا لكل من راح يساعدني

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