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الرئيسية » !! What are you thinking about right now ]–

!! What are you thinking about right now ]– 2024.

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!! What are you thinking about right now ]–


How is all

tI liked the idea of this Subject

Each one tells us what you think now and in the thinking of

I hope no one else can see the interaction

now i’m thinking about my friend he is ill and tomorow he will do an operation i hope that he will be in a good helth
thank you my sister this Subject is nice and great
good by
Now I’m thinking about my husband he will travel after 3 days I’m so sad
actualy now I’m thinking of my husband in future

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة حزينة بس امينة خليجية
actualy now im thinking of my hosbend in feuture

lol i like it خليجية

Now I am thinking about finishing examination on the next week

And thank you

now I think how to learn English

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