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الرئيسية » this is my story in English 1 -انجليزي

this is my story in English 1 -انجليزي 2024.

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this is my story in English….1




Ameera is a very beautiful girl. She is 13 years old. She lives with her rich father and his wife. Her mother is dead. She cried a lot when her mother died. She loved her so much and she suffered a lot because of her death through reminiscing the nice days she had spent with her, But eventually she accepted the fact that her mother died and no one could bring her back.. When her father got married to her greedy step mother, Ameera got so upset because she treated her like a servant which made her so sad.
Ameera had a nice cat. She considered the cat as her best friend because no one can understand her except her cat.Ameera’s aunt always created problems between Ameera and her father.. Ameera’s father always believed his wife because she is older than her and he thinks that she would never lie to him. Also he thinks that she is a little girl so she behaves like little kids, making problems, losing things and destroying things, so she was always punished without any guilt. Just her aunt wants him to punish her.

Once Mouneera- who is her aunt- was thinking of a problem to cause for Ameera and she got it. She went so slowly to Ameera’s room and she put her ring in Ameera’s jacket .then she got out so quickly to not be seen in Ameera’s room. She found Ameera in the kitchen. She went to her and pretended to be a good woman and said:
Sweetie… How are you today?
Ameera was shocked when she heard what her aunt said before a moment. The word of affection.. Sweetie… That she never heard it from her aunt’s tongue before. Ameera felt happy… She thought that maybe her aunt changed. So she said:
Her aunt said:
Aren’t you feeling cold?
Ameera said in a polite voice: yes, A little..
Mouneera smiled and gave Ameera her jacket..
Ameera thanked her… and walked away with her cat .. She decided to go to the garden in their house to play with her cat there.. but suddenly while playing , she saw her aunt and her father approaching to where she is.. She didn’t give this deal any attention. She completed playing with her cat.. because she didn’t know about her aunt’s trick .. When they reached to her place.. her father said to her :
Did you see your aunt’s diamond ring?
She replied without any expression on her face: no, I didn’t
But her aunt screamed: she is a liar.. She stealed my ring. Don’t believe her. Believe me and if u want to make sure from what I have said.. Check her .. or I’ll check her now…
and she did.. she took out the ring from Ameera’s jacket.. Ameera and her father were shocked. Ameera then realized why her aunt treated her in that way before a while.. and she knew why she gave her the jacket Ameera stood up and said : no, I didn’t steal it.. I didn’t… believe me papa
But her father looked to her in bad way and said : Ameera.. Ameera.. why can’t you be older than this in your behavior.. and he took her hand violently.. and said : you have to be punished.. so you’ll not do it any more .. he pulled her in her bed.. and he locked the door.. she was so nervous.. she cried.. with her best friend.. her cat ( moky ) .. and she was expressing her feelings to it.. and it became so sad also.. while she was talking to moky, a good idea came to her mind.. she decided to escape from the ******.. and she did it .. she escaped from the ******.. and she went out of the house.. she walked with moky .. and she felt tired.. so she decided to sit down for a while she went to the beach which was near her place.. another little girl like her was near.. the girl who looks older than her .. said :
Ameera smiled .. and she said :
Hello.. welcome.. sit here with us..
The girl sat down with Ameera and moky.. and she said :
Thanks, I would like to know your name.. if you don’t mind..
Surely I won’t mind.. my name is Ameera.. and you ?
Iam Ahlam.. I’m 14.. and what about you?
Well.. iam younger than you.. iam 13 years old..
Ahlam stayed quiet for a while.. then asked :
What’s wrong with you ?.. you look sad .. so that’s why you came here..
Ameera showed her sadness and said :
No one loves me.. no body cares about me.. they all hate me ..
Ahlam was surprised, she said kindly :
Don’t say this dear Ameera.. your relatives and neighbors absolutely love you .. they can’t hate you.. because no one hates a beautiful girl like you..
No.. my sadness has no ending.. because my father’s wife doesn’t love me.. she always makes problems for me.. and my father punishes me.. and in fact I didn’t do any thing to be punished for.. and no one believes me when I say that iam innocent..
She is really creepy.. but don’t you have friends?
Ameera looked at moky and said :
My cat moky is the only friend I have .. who understands me.. and the one I can express my feelings for .. he is polite.. I love him so much..
What’s your opinion to be my new friend?
Ameera gave ahlam a smile.. and said happily :
Wow.. so happily.. my friend ahlam.. And really I appreciate your kindness.. at least I’ve got a friend now.. who is from mankind who can understand me more than animals..
But she didn’t know what was she expecting back at home.. her father’s punishment .. her father didn’t know that Ameera escaped from the room.. but her aunt definitely told him..
She left ahlam and went to her house with moky.. to go back to her room secretly.. and she succeed.. no one saw her entering her room.. she felt so happy.. but her happiness didn’t stay for along time.. because her father came to her.. with her unkind step mother.. Ameera was scared.. she knew that her father knew about her escaping .. her father said :
If you stayed in this case.. I’ll lock the door and the ******s and every thing in this room.. you won’t even go to school.. you’ll stay in your room for your whole life ..
But Mouneera said :
No. I think that you should take her to an internal school.. this is better.. don’t you think so?
Ameera here amazed.. she screamed :
No, no. I’ll never go there. Kill me father, but I’ll not go there.
Her father said angrily:
You have to go to an internal school…
But Ameera wept more and more. She thought that she will never see her new friend ahlam.. no they can’t do this to her.. after she got a new friend .. who she can share her happy and sad moments with.. She said:
why do you all hate me.. what have I done to you?.. why do you want me to leave.. and sell me with a cheap cost.. why you want to abandon me and send me to a place I don’t know anyone.. why do you want to keep me away from my friends?
Here.. her father felt guilty.. he blamed himself .. how can he abandon his only daughter.. how could he think in this way?..
He came close to her and said :
What are you saying?. who told you that we hate you.. that’s impossible.. we can’t hate you..
Mouneera had so involved feelings against Ameera.. so she went out.. she sat in her bed and insulted Ameera.. she said :
You’ll feel sorry.. you’ll pay.. don’t be happy for along time..
And she laughed..
In Ameera’s room..
Mouneera: papa.. Iam a afraid ..
Her father: why are you afraid?
Mouneera: because my aunt wants to separate me and you …
Her father : don’t think like that darling..

In the next day.. the same case.. Mouneera didn’t want to stop disturbing Ameera.. and bothering her with her silly tricks.. she was upstairs.. she saw Ameera with her cat.. she wanted to go down.. so Mouneera walked quickly and approached Ameera.. when Ameera was about to go down.. she bumped herself into Ameera .. and they both fell down.. from the steps.. Ameera got hurt but she tried to hide her pain, she stood up.. and her father came amazed.. he said :
What’s happening here?
When Mouneera heard her husband voice.. she pretended to be in pain .. she acted like she couldn’t stand up … she said slowly :
Help me please.. your daughter intended to make me fall down.. because she doesn’t like me..
Ameera didn’t say any thing.. because she knew that her father won’t believe her if she said that she didn’t do it.. so she went running to her room.. and started to weep .. she wanted to die.. she thought that this is the best solution for her.. and as long as her aunt is a live.. she will never feel happy.. and as long as she lives with her.. she will make sure her life is a living hell

Mouneera felt happy when her husband said:
This naughty girl will drive me crazy.

Later on Ameera decided to go to her friend ahlam.. she can express her feelings to her.. and explain to her , her misery.. maybe she can give her a solution for her situation.. she held her cat moky.. and she went out.. she went to Ahlam’s house.. she rang the bell.. ahlam came with a joyful face.. as she knew it.. ahlam said :
Wow.. what is this surprise?.. come on ..
Ameera said with a polite voice :
Thanks my lovely friend.. I don’t know what to do without you.. you’re really a gift from god..
Ahlam didn’t say any thing.. just she invited Ameera to sit down.. Ameera sat down.. then ahlam came with an old woman.. she smiled at her.. the old woman seemed to be kind woman. the old woman sat down beside her.. and ahlam said :
This is my grandmother.. and this is my friend.. Ameera
Ameera said :
Nice to meet you..
The old woman gave Ameera a kiss .. Ameera felt that she will cry.. because she didn’t feel the compassion since her mother died.. she stopped her tears from falling.. she said :
Then she asked her :
Who do you live with?
Ameera said :
With my father…
The old woman said :
And your mother ?
Ameera remembered her mother.. and said in a sad voice :
She is dead ..
The old woman asked :
What was the reason?
Ameera answered :
Because of a disease..
The old woman said :
You’re like ahlam.. Ahlam’s mother also died because of a disease.. and her father killed himself when his wife died..
Ameera was shocked.. this was a surprise for her.. Ahlam in that day.. didn’t say that her father and mother are dead.. but she was so strong.. and she gave Ameera the inspiration.. to be better than what she used to be.. she is really more great than she expected.. she said :
So, we are both lost one of the best things that the person prefer to have..
The old woman and ahlam said :
The silence became the head of the conversation.. then Ameera cut ropes of silence,, and said so sadly :
But I live in pressures.. that make me feel desperate.. I want to live in peace and security.. but all what I hope is going with winds..
The old woman said kindly:
Excuse me dear Ameera.. Iam so happy that I had a conversation with you.. see you..
Ameera said :
Me too.. good bye..
When the old woman left them, ahlam said :
What happened ?.. I could know from your eyes.. that something happened in your house…
Ameera said :
Can you help me Ahlam?.. iam so sorrowful.. my step mother tried to make me and her fall down.. from the steps.. and she said to my father that I intended that… she deprived her self from what she did.. can you imagine her ugliness?
Ahlam said :
I appreciate what you are going through.. but you have to be patient.. at least you have a father.. maybe some day he will know the truth about your step mother.. and you’ll live in peace with your father.. that means that you have chance.. but I don’t…
Ahlam was hesitant … then she said :
Do you think so?
Ahlam said in glad voice :
Am I trusty?
Ameera touched Ahlam’s hand and said cheerfully :
Of course.. no doubt !
They laughed and Ameera said :
I’ll go home now.. and I will accept the punishment from my father…
Ahlam said :
May Allah bless you

Mouneera was talking to her friend Hanadi and laughing :
Yes, I did. I put my ring in her jacket..
Hanadi: wow.. what happened next?
Mouneera laughed and said :
Nice thing happened. my husband punished her…
Hanadi : great!. What did you do else?
Mouneera said :
I intended to make me and her fall down from the steps. then I told my husband that she intended that… and I pretended that I was in pain..
She laughed with her friend Hanadi.. suddenly she looked at the door. She was surprised.. She stopped laughing.. she saw her husband there.. so he listened to her conversation with Hanadi… so he knew every thing..
She said :
Oh darling.. thanks god.. you came.. bec…
But her husband said :
Don’t say anything.. why did you do this to me and my daughter?.. we don’t deserve this from you..
Mouneera cried because she knew that her husband won’t accept to live with her any more. and said :
Please forgive me. I beg you.. I swear that I’ll never do it again.. just let me prove this to you..
He said angrily :
That’s enough. I don’t want to see you again in my house.. and every one tries to destroy my life with my only daughter..

Ameera left Ahlam’s house.. with her cat.. she went to her house.. she immediately went to her room.. to not be seen for her father.. she sat in her bed..
After a while somebody knocked the door.. she was scared.. she knew that her father is coming.. her father said :
Ameera.. please open the door..
Ameera said :
No, I won’t.. Just you want to punish me.. I won’t open the door
Her father said impatient:
Sweetie… Come on… Open the door… I won’t do any thing for you… just open the door.. don’t be a afraid..
Ameera went and opened the door. then she went back to her bed.. her father sat close to her.. and said politely :
Why are you afraid?.. I won’t hurt you..
Ameera said hesitantly :
But.. but won’t you punish me because of the incident of falling down from the steps..
but really I didn’t do any thing.. she….
Her father said softly :
You don’t have to explain to me any thing.. I knew the truth.. and I divorced her.. you’ll never see her again in our house.. I expelled her from our house.. we will live in peace and security.. you don’t have to be scared from today..
Ameera was so happy.. she hugged her father strongly and said :
I can’t believe father… finally!!!

🙂 coooooooooooool
thanxx babe….^_^
i’m happy from your passing…

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