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الرئيسية » it’s just an idea تعلم انجليزية

it’s just an idea تعلم انجليزية

it’s just an idea

hi .. how r u girls ?? … i hope u r fine … i’m a new member here .. & i want to learn english so i thought we can improve our english by writing a short paragraph about your day .. خليجية

i hope u’ll like the idea … thanks

hi miss lonely

its good idea but we can do this thru English chat topic

so join us dear 🙂 …

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته miss lonley
somtimes we wrote in english chat what we did
in da day if it`s somthing special
like dinner outside or shopping or travel
or problem or someone feel bad we can give advice
as farieda said join us u welcome sis

جزاكى الله خيرا

its like a diary , everyone writes what happened with him/her , what did he/she do in her day and stuff like these
this is a marvelous idea sis, keep going and im in
and by the way, it differs from chat , chat is talking between members and this is a completely different thing

and i hope u will like me here. since im still new

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