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True or False ?!?! 2024.

True or False ?!?!

In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

Are the following phrases true or false? please let us have your opinion and thoughts

Woman’s love is more faithful than a man’s love

Woman’s life is love

Man’s love is life

Women’s heart has only one room, once you get out of it, you won’t be allowed to enter again

Man’s heart has an infinite number of rooms, but also there is only one private sweet

Women’s brain is like a high mountain, its summit can’t be reached easily

Man’s brain is like the sea, you many sail in it sometime if the weather is okay

:!@!: Copied :!@!:

Woman’s love is more faithful than a man’s love

we can’t say that for sure because love is one.
and it can’t be mesured by any criterion

Woman’s life is love
may be bacuse women are known foe there overwhelmin senses, and love

Man’s love is life
i’ve seen some men fallin in love and beleive me that is totally true

Women’s heart has only one room, once you get out of it, you won’t be allowed to enter again
accorddin to me

Man’s heart has an infinite number of rooms, but also there is only one private sweet

that is true for sure

Women’s brain is like a high mountain, its summit can’t be reached easily
yes that is true

Man’s brain is like the sea, you many sail in it sometime if the weather is okay
yeah totally true

thanx sis for ytour passing and for your comments


Woman’s love is more faithful than a man’s love

Woman’s life is lovE

Man’s love is life

Women’s heart has only one room, once you get out of it, you won’t be allowed to enter again

Man’s heart has an infinite number of rooms, but also there is only one private sweet

Women’s brain is like a high mountain, its summit can’t be reached easily

Man’s brain is like the sea, you many sail in it sometime if the weather is okay

thx alot asma for your passing



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